When your heating and cooling systems work efficiently, they operate on lower costs. Thus, you can spend less on your bills to heat and cool your home when you buy the most energy-efficient device to keep you and your household comfortable. An energy-efficient heating and cooling system not only benefits you but also helps the environment. Imagine how much greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced if every home chose to use an efficient unit. The Department of Energy (DOE) stated that heating and cooling take up more than half of a home’s energy use, which is why homeowners like you have to take steps to put some of that energy towards other purposes.
If you’ve been wondering what you can do to heat and cool your home for less, keep reading to find out!
What you need to know about the EnergyGuide label
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires all appliance manufacturers to add EnergyGuide labels to their products. The rule includes makers of heating and cooling systems. The EnergyGuide label is a bright yellow attachment that lets you know how much electricity an appliance uses in a year. It also shows you the average costs of energy the device requires compared to appliances of similar models. If you don’t see it on an appliance for sale, demand the seller to give you that information. If a product meets the DOE’s energy efficiency criteria, they will bear an ENERGY STAR logo on their EnergyGuide labels.
How else can you save on energy?
You can conduct a home energy survey for your home to identify places and processes where energy goes to waste. Inadequate insulation, air conditioner vent problems, outdated lighting and electrical systems, ceiling leaks, and plumbing problems are among those wasteful processes.
The San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) offers an online home energy survey that you can access in order to see where you currently stand in terms of energy efficiency. All you need to do is to use your account credentials to log-in their website. If you have no account with the company yet, you will have to register. Once you enter, click the “My energy” tab found on the upper side of the page. You will then have to fill up the “Home profile” with the information they need, such as those that concern your heating and cooling systems and lighting. Save the information before you click on the “My energy survey” feature. Then, you will be able to go back to your home dashboard to see a pie chart that shows you which parts of your home contribute most to electric bills. You can edit the information you gave them through the “Detailed Survey” tab.
Leaks and insulation could also contribute to inefficiencies in the heating and cooling systems.
Thus, you need to have these places inspected and plugged. Check your ducts, pipes, and vents to find holes and gaps. You can use sealants and reflective metal tapes to cover some of the leaks. If your heating or cooling systems ducts involves tears, consider hiring a professional to have these components repaired.
If your home is old, you might need to consider replacing the insulation with material that meets the DOE’s standards. You can also have your windows refurbished or replace to let in more ventilation and natural sunlight, which translates to higher energy efficiency.
Special energy offers
The SDG&E has a list of products and stores that it considers to be “energy efficient.” When you use water heaters, washing machines, and programmable thermostats that fall under their list, you may qualify for rebates. You can also visit the websites of the DOE and the California Public Utilities Commission to learn more about tax credits and incentives when you switch to greener technologies. Morey PHC provides plumbing repair services in San Diego, California. Get in touch today to see how we can help. We’re available 24/7.