Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Announces New Heating/Cooling System that Saves Money
Morey Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling, a local San Diego HVAC company, is announcing a new heating and cooling system that will save money for San Diego homeowners.
(San Diego, CA December 2021) Many San Diego area homeowners are hearing the term “mini-split” when people are talking about heating and cooling services in San Diego. Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling is explaining how installing a mini-split can save real money on your heating and cooling expenses.
A mini-split ductless system is a unit that is mounted onto the wall, near the ceiling, or sometimes even on the ceiling. It’s not like a window air conditioner – there is no window involved and it has no ductwork.
When doing HVAC installation in San Diego, technicians will place a unit on the wall that is connected to the outdoor condenser/compressor unit by a piece of piping that goes through a small hole in the wall. This small opening contains the refrigerant tubing, the power cable, suction tubing, and the drain line for the condensation.
Having no ductwork means homeowners don’t have to pay the added energy costs of propelling air through ducts, nor the cost of installing ducts.
As an experienced San Diego HVAC company, Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling can put a mini-split into each room that is used a lot. Each indoor unit is controlled independently so owners don’t spend money cooling or heating a spare bedroom that is rarely used.
Mini-splits are also great when homeowners are putting an addition onto their home. The addition doesn’t have to be hooked up to the existing ductwork, which also saves more money on the installation.
About Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc.
Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc., was established in San Diego in 1998. They can install any kind of heating or cooling system homeowners need. Besides providing all HVAC services, they also handle all commercial and residential plumbing needs.
Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc.
8170 Ronson Rd. Suite R
San Diego, CA 92111
858-505-4500Website: https://moreyphc.com