Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service

Contractor's license #967435

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service

Contractor's license #967435




Every day, it’s an inevitability of daily living: You most likely expel grease, grime, detergent, hair and other foreign debris through your drain system. These materials can have negative effects over time, and more often than not, they can lead to blockages.

There are few things more frustrating or disgusting than a clogged kitchen sink, bathroom toilet or bathtubs. You use them every day for comfort, cleaning and hygienic purposes and you can’t afford to have them out of commission. Fortunately, Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc. has years of experience resolving drain problems. Whether the cause is as simple as a clog or as complex as a main line problem, our certified plumbing experts are here to help get the job done. Contact us if you are looking for drain cleaning in San Diego, CA today.

Expert Drain Cleaning in San Deigo

Consider us San Diego, California’s local plumbing experts. We have a special expertise for locating clogs in drain lines and handling the problems professionally. Our plumbers utilize state-of-the-art equipment to remove all unwanted debris and ensure that your drains stay clean.

We remove basic clogs in the main line by using commercial drain snakes. For more stubborn problems, we use more powerful drain-jetting to pressure wash any stubborn dirt or grime away. If the clog is too far down the line to see, we use video cameras to get to the exact location of the issue and tackle it quickly.

State-Of-The-Art Camera Inspections

In earlier times, drain problems could be extremely costly and invasive. It involved intrusive deconstruction, drywall cutting and vast amounts of time. Today, we have a simple solution that allows us to quickly diagnose and treat your drain blockage: drain cameras.

The recent technological advancements in video inspection – specifically, drain cameras and locating equipment – make finding any problems in your sewer system significantly easier and less of a hassle. Guesswork is drastically reduced, if not eliminated, and problem solving has never been so simple.

Our specialty drain cameras allow us to see what is causing any possible blocks and/or leaks at a significantly lower cost than other methods. How? Essentially, the camera unit we use has a transmitter, so when we get to the blockage point, we can go up to the ground level and pick up the transmission signal from the drain camera by waving around our locating device in order to detect the camera. Once we are able to mark the exact point of the blockage, we can dig a sewer trench to make the necessary reparations.

When you call Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc, we will send a professional out to you in the San Diego area to run a video line through your waste pipes. The camera at the end of the line is high resolution, so you see all of the contents at the end of the line close up, and in real time detail. We may either extend the camera down to your branch lines, which are the pipes that lead to your house’s sewer lines from your bathtub(s) and faucets, or down your house’s sewer line to the municipal sewer line on the street via a larger pipe that leads there from your home.

What will you see?

When we use a specialty drain camera, we send the device down and perform a “walk through,” so to speak, leading from the trap down through the sewer line and up to any obstructions, if the video inspection is for the entire sewer line. If the camera is able to push through any blockage that may appear, we can continue the inspection through to the municipal sewer line. Contact us if you are looking for drain cleaning in San Diego, CA today.

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Typically, a video inspection is not a common service to ask for, but it is available nevertheless. Homeowners will usually call in for a video inspection of the sewer line in the event of a significantly noticeable problem, like a blockage that can’t be fixed by do-it-yourself attempts such as plunging, using liquid drain cleaners, or sewer/drain augering.

It isn’t a frequent occurrence, however, and it is unnecessary for most plumbing-related remodeling projects. If you are planning on adding a bathroom, or remodeling your kitchen or bathroom, it might be a good idea for you to consider calling us to perform this service. Because of the wastewater that is involved in these projects – specifically because of the greater quantities of wastewater – it would be a good idea to get your sewer line inspected. This would help ensure that your sewer lines can handle the increased needs.

If you start to notice leaking, pooling, slowed drainage or other similar plumbing problems, get in touch with our team today. We can diagnose the problem before it becomes more significant and costly.

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