Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service

Contractor's license #967435

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service
Celebrating Over 25 Years of Service

Contractor's license #967435




Ductless Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning systems, or mini-split systems, are beautifully efficient and provide consistent room comfort. But the decision to install is different for every homeowner. A ductless heat pump or air conditioner generally consists of a wall-mounted indoor unit combined with an outside compressor. It is most often used when a window air conditioning unit or baseboard heating would be considered a new addition to a house. But unlike window units, ductless units require only a very small hole to be drilled into the wall, making them less vulnerable to air leakage and security problems. Plus, they’re less visible and audible.

Ductless air units are also extremely energy-efficient. Ductless air conditioning models also have inverter-driven compressors, which speed up and slow down based on the needs of the system instead of shutting off entirely like traditional Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning system compressors do. Saving you a lot of energy during compressor start-up.

Home Office With Sloped Ceiling

Ductless systems do take up wall space, but they don’t have to compromise your design. If you purchase an ENERGY STAR ductless model, in fact, you can save up to 30 percent on heating and cooling costs for the space in question, and you may qualify for a federal tax credit and local utility incentives as well.

How It Works

Ductless heaters and air conditioners usually consist of an indoor unit mounted on the wall combined with an outside compressor. The system only requires a small hole in the wall which makes them less vulnerable to leaks and security breaches. If you’re looking for a quiet and discreet temperature-regulating system, ductless units may be the answer.

Why Choose Ductless Units

Did you know that 25 percent of your utility bill comes from the energy spent on propelling a duct-based cooling and heating system? With ductless units, you not only lower your utility bills by increasing energy efficiency but you also aren’t spending any money to heat or cool rooms you never use. Many homeowners choose to install ductless units in the bedroom or living room where their most time is spent. Additionally, many local companies offer utility incentives if you switch to mini-split systems. You may even qualify for a tax credit for using one.

Depending on your home’s construction, ductless systems can make sense in a variety of applications, but there are certain situations where ductless has a clear advantage such as new additions, garage apartments, and sunrooms. The main benefit of ductless here is that it will be properly sized for the new space and won’t steal air from other rooms or overload your old Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning system.

For people who don’t want to heat and cool rooms, they aren’t using it is far better to install a ductless system in a master bedroom and set the house’s main thermostat to run minimally. Serving multiple needs under one roof is ideal for a ductless heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems creating different temperatures in different rooms.

Choose The Right Team For The Job

At Morey Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, Inc., we know that proper system sizing and installation is absolutely crucial in receiving all the benefits a ductless system has to offer. A ductless heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system will never work properly if the system is the wrong size, the wall penetration isn’t sealed correctly, or the sensitive electronics are mishandled. Getting regular preventative work is also an investment in the future function of your system. By fixing problems and replacing parts, our team prolongs the life of your ductless heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems. This saves you money by delaying the need for an entirely new installation.

So, what are you waiting for? Call us and make the switch today.

At Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc., we are excited to offer installation, services and repair on ductless heating and cooling systems. Also referred to as mini-split systems, ductless Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning systems are perfect for those looking to increase their energy efficiency at home and achieve consistent room temperatures. Call (858) 252-1295 today.

We love hearing from our customers. For general information or to ask a question, please use the form in our contact page. At Morey Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Inc we’re here to serve you and all your ductless Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning systems. For any plumbing or Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning system services, get in touch with our experts at Morey Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, Inc. When you call us, you can count on a fast response. Plumbing and Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning systems failures can be detrimental to the function of your household. We’re available to all of San Diego County. We are licensed and have general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance for your protection. Trust us to restore the maximum comfort of your home today.

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Getting regular preventative work is an investment in the future function of your system. By fixing problems and replacing parts, our team prolongs the life of your HVAC units. This saves you money by delaying the need for an entirely new installation.

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